Dame Katherine inspires at opening at SHSK

27th July 2017

The students, staff and Governors of St Helen and St Katherine School were inspired by Dame Katherine Grainger as she told of the trials and efforts which led to her amazing Olympic achievements at the opening.

Beginning in Sydney in 2000, she won a Silver Medal at three consecutive Olympics which was topped off by the magnificent Gold at London in 2012. Most remember this with such warmth and affection as it was so well deserved.

However, she so loved rowing that she went on for four more agonising years and achieved a most surprising and deserved Silver Medal in Rio de Janeiro.

Her words describing the journey were absorbed by an enthralled audience for over an hour. Afterwards, she was delighted to be enrolled as an honorary “HelKat”.


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Whether you are a school, an academy, a university, a local authority or a sports club, we understand that, when it comes to a new sports facility, you will have your own set of special circumstances.


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