St John Beaumont School, Windsor
Opened by HRH Queen Elizabeth II, the Sports Hall replaces the former gymnasium and is located adjacent to the main school building designed by John Francis Bentley, the architect of Westminster Cathedral in 1888.
Evolving solutions to the requirement of many independent schools to use their sports halls for exams, general assemblies, presentations, parents evenings and plays etc as well as sport proved an interesting but rewarding challenge
Four badminton court sports hall with equipment storage. Climbing Wall as central feature to reception area ancillary hall, dance studio, rowing room, kitchen and social area, classroom/meeting room and amenities. Extensive use of Kallwall to provide diffused natural light and with traditional glazing above the main entrance. Provision has been made for the sports hall to be used for a range of non-sport activities.
Tim Blad, Bursar, St.Johns Beaumont School, Old Windsor